Do you suffer from low self-esteem or anxiety? This article is for you!

Discover a practice to combat the evils of the century.

In the society we live in, where the cult of the image is so great and so manipulated, problems with self-esteem are increasingly common. After all, how can we accept and love ourselves as normal people when everyone else is so perfect?

And in a world where everything is too fast, news soon becomes old news. How can we slow down and manage to live one day at a time, without worrying about tomorrow? People with low self-esteem can be harmed in the simplest tasks, while anxious people are often unable to perform these activities.

There are several ways that help alleviate these symptoms and, of course, the practice of Hot Yoga is one of the most effective, in addition to medical monitoring. Read more about it in the article:

See the impacts that low self-esteem and anxiety causes in your life:

  • Suffers losses in relationships, does not know how to impose limits or make requests assertively;
  • Not communicating in the healthiest way with the people around you;
  • Is insecure to expose himself in certain situations;
  • Great difficulty in concentration and focus;
  • Continuous feeling that you will lose control of everything or something bad will happen;
  • Feel disconnected from yourself.

See how Hot Yoga helps you

The best way to deal with these self-esteem and anxiety issues in the first place is to get to know yourself. So you can understand your limitations, have more self-confidence and give less value to what comes from the outside. For that, you need to take your mind off the material world and completely relax. Hot Yoga is a way to deal with stress.

A 2018 study of stressed and physically inactive adults found that a 16-week program of practice significantly reduced participants’ stress levels! In addition, it improved health-related quality of life and the belief that you have control over your behavior and social environment.

The practice also brings benefits to the circulatory system, contributes to a greater production of endorphins and improves the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline, substances involved in anxiety.

And the consequent weight loss that Hot Yoga, it is possible to burn from 400 to 1,000 calories during a class. It helps in improving self-esteem and increasing energy so you can live your days with more vigor and happiness.

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