Understand how Hot Yoga can improve your mental health

Yes, Hot Yoga works the body, emotional and spirit! Everything you need to have a healthier life. Hot Yoga teaches you how to relax, manage stress, but it also increases the ability to focus. Plus, with practice in the heat, it releases endorphins, a powerful brain chemical that energizes your spirit and makes you feel […]
Do you suffer from low self-esteem or anxiety? This article is for you!

Discover a practice to combat the evils of the century. In the society we live in, where the cult of the image is so great and so manipulated, problems with self-esteem are increasingly common. After all, how can we accept and love ourselves as normal people when everyone else is so perfect? And in a […]
Discover all the benefits of Hot Yoga!

Heated room practice was born in 1970 in the USA and may be all you need! Yoga is diverse! There are styles that follow different lines, whether in the way of performing the practice or in how to insert yoga in everyday life. Hot Yoga is a yoga modality that has been growing and conquering […]